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The doctor explained the mother’s desire to use toilet paper during pregnancy

        Mum-of-five Jade Sylvester has developed an unusual habit: she eats a roll of toilet paper every day. According to medical experts, the disorder has roots in mental health problems.
        The 25-year-old from Lincolnshire, England, has been eating toilet paper every day since she first felt the craving for it when she was pregnant with 15-month-old Jackson. Now she eats one bun a day. “I like the texture in the mouth, not the taste,” Sylvester told British newspaper Mirror Online. “I like it dry.”
        One day Sylvester was in the toilet when he suddenly got the idea to eat toilet paper. “When I was pregnant, I went to the bathroom and looked at the toilet paper and thought, ‘I need to eat this’ – I know that sounds stupid,” Sylvester told the newspaper. “Today I tried not to go to the bathroom because I knew that if I went to the bathroom I would eat the newspaper. I usually eat about eight meals at a time, sometimes I only go to the bathroom for toilet paper. poor filling. At first I ate a few at a time, but I started eating more and more.”
        Like other snack lovers, Sylvester is loyal to certain genres, preferring supermarket brands to expensive snacks. “Different brands have different tastes. I keep a bun for meals and a bun for everyday use in the bathroom,” she said. Sylvester wanted to kick the habit to avoid health problems and provide a better life for her children. Billy (8 years old), Mason (6 years old), Harry (5 years old), Harold (5 years old) and Jack (1 Sep) set a bad example. “I tried to hide it from my children, and if they caught me eating toilet paper, they would scold me,” she said. “If my daughter saw me, she would say, ‘Mommy, spit it out, spit it in the toilet.’”
        The circumstances of Sylvester’s eating habits are unclear, but her behavior mimics a rare eating disorder called pica, in which a person regularly consumes substances with no nutritional value. For example, paint, charcoal and various household items. Although the prevalence of heartburn is currently unknown, doctors look for symptoms such as intestinal obstruction, blood toxins, and infection to diagnose the condition. One of the triggers of this disorder is obsessive-compulsive disorder, which involves anxious and painful thoughts. There is currently no known treatment for peak.
        Pregnancy-related pica is rare, but it can be caused by iron deficiency: pregnant women require large amounts of iron to carry oxygen to the placenta. “Toilet paper contains indigestible fiber, which in moderate amounts may not cause much harm, but in chronic forms it can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb nutrients and coat and scratch the intestinal lining,” says Joseph Pinzone, MD. Medical Director of Amai. Medical and Wellness Center in Santa Monica, California. “This can lead to dehydration and malnutrition, which can be very harmful to the developing fetus.”
        Pregnant women often exhibit various unusual habits or behaviors. An estimated 85% of people have strong aversions to certain foods, even fresh ones. One theory points to evolution: In the past, there were no refrigerators to store food, so pregnant women may have evolved to avoid foods that spoil easily. Others experience extremely vivid dreams and superhuman dream memories, in part because fetal movements during the night can wake the mother. According to German research, some women find certain types of music extremely irritating. For example, for unknown physiological reasons, women who don’t like pop music dislike it even more during pregnancy.

Post time: May-31-2024