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  • Paper towels are just for the kitchen and look tacky in the bathroom. Who is right?

Paper towels are just for the kitchen and look tacky in the bathroom. Who is right?

        Dear Abby: My family and I love to entertain, so our powder room is constantly in use. Instead of washing the same three hand towels, I bought a nice vertical paper towel holder with a roll of paper towels inside, which I now keep next to my bathroom sink. Hubby says paper towels are just for the kitchen and look tacky in the bathroom. Who is right? — Useful in Texas
        Dear Helpful: Of course, everyone has the right to their own opinion. However, your idea of ​​using disposable hand towels in guest bathrooms appeals to me. They are practical, cheaper and more hygienic than towels for the third, fourth or fifth guest. However, there are disposable towels (some monogrammed) that you can buy online that look better than rolled towels. You might consider checking it out.
        Dear Abby, what happened to the dog? I see women on dating sites saying, “You must love my dog,” and it really annoys me. I know some women love their dogs, but asking a man to love your dog if he truly cares about you is crazy. What happened to these women? I believe they are emotionally unstable. — Georgia is outraged
        Dear Evil Man! There is an opinion that if someone wants loyalty and perseverance, then the best way to find it is to adopt a dog. For some people, regardless of gender, their dogs are like children, and anyone who becomes romantically involved with them must accept that it will be a package deal. Since you are not an animal lover, these women are not for you.
        Dear Abby, Today I ironed and folded my late husband’s lucky fishing shirt and put it in a box to donate to charity. Continuing the challenge, I paired it with 14 pairs of my thin merino wool socks, most of which were gifts from him in less affluent times. Three months later, I finally removed the box of his ashes from the kitchen counter.
        Yesterday I saw a couple sitting together at a fast food restaurant. All of them are focused only on the phone screen. I wanted so badly to shake them and ask them to look at each other and talk to each other. They were lucky to be in each other’s company.
        Snuggle, hold hands, talk and say “I love you” every day. Don’t wait until Valentine’s Day. I’m so lucky; you can too. Abby, please remind your readers to appreciate a special someone every day and show it. – I love you every day
        Dear Beloved, Please accept my condolences on the loss of your beloved husband. It is clear that more people are becoming captives of mobile phones than young lovers. I see the same phenomenon among older couples, but this also applies to parents with small children. Your message that we should love and appreciate each other every day is important because no one can guarantee tomorrow.
        Dear Abby was written by Abigail Van Buren (aka Jean Phillips) and founded by her mother Pauline Phillips. Please contact Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com.

Post time: May-30-2024